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Table 2 Patterns of cannabidiol use in 287 cannabidiol users

From: Reasons for cannabidiol use: a cross-sectional study of CBD users, focusing on self-perceived stress, anxiety, and sleep problems


N (%)

Length of CBD use (n = 387)

 0–3 months

8 (2.1%)

 3–6 months

145 (37.7%)

 6–12 months

115 (29.9%)

 1–2 years

64 (16.6%)

 2–5 years

37 (9.6%)

 More than 5 years

16 (4.1%)

Time of day used (n = 387)


70 (18.1%)


99 (25.6%)

 Morning and evening

92 (23.8%)

 Multiples times per day (> 2)

46 (11.9%)

 When needed

78 (20.2%)


2 (0.5%)

Routes of administration (n = 387)


281 (72.6%)


68 (17.6%)

 Topical (on skin)

54 (14%)


36 (9.3%)


33 (8.5%)


26 (6.7%)

 Spray (via mouth)

20 (5.2%)


18 (4.7%)

 Suppository (vaginal/rectal)

3 (0.8%)


13 (3.4%)

Dose of CBD per day in mg (n = 373)


110 (29.5%)


93 (24.9%)


69 (18.5%)


25 (6.7%)


11 (2.9%)

 ≥ 200

27 (7.24%)

 I do not know

38 (10.2%)