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Table 7 Percentages of Respondents Who Felt their Expectations were Met and Motivations for using Cannabis Products

From: Motivations and expectations for using cannabis products to treat pain in humans and dogs: a mixed methods study

Common Motivations

Human Patients (N = 313)

% (N)

Dog Patients (N = 204)

% (N)

I like the idea that this product comes from “natural” sources

88% (149)

86% (76)

I thought it was the best treatment for pain

90% (142)

89% (101)

I prefer cannabis/CBD products to conventional medicine

92% (144)

99% (82)

Because I thought it would a good treatment option

79% (110)

81% (73)

Other medications did not (do not) control the pain adequately

85% (103)

85% (41)

Recommendation from family or friends

83% (96)

79% (49)