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Table 4 Reasons for using and against using cannabidiol products to manage epilepsy

From: Survey of local cannabidiol use in parents of children with epilepsy in Thailand: the prevalence, perceptions, and knowledge

Reasons for using of CBD products for epilepsy

N = 16 (%)

-Treatment-resistant epilepsy

9 (56.25)

-Unacceptable ASMs side-effects

2 (12.50)

-Success stories from media

3 (18.75)

-To manage other health conditions (and epilepsy)

2 (12.50)

-Recommended by acquaintances

6 (37.50)

-Want to try

5 (31.25)

Reasons against or hesitation towards the use of CBD products for epilepsy

N = 150 (%)

-Need for medical supervision

84 (56)

-Concerns over safety

28 (18.67)

-Difficulties with sourcing reliable supply

7 (4.67)

-Epilepsy currently controlled

20 (13.33)

-Illegal status

11 (7.33)

  1. ASMs antiseizure medications, CBD cannabidiol