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Table 2 Percent of participants reporting why they used cannabis while exercisinga

From: How and why adults use cannabis during physical activity

Percentage reporting

(n = 100)

Activities are in order of highest preference within each row

69 to 60

Helps me focus/concentrate; helps me enjoy the exercise experience; enhances mind/body/spirit connection; keeps me in the zone

59 to 50

Enhances body awareness; to relieve muscle tension

49 to 40

To be more observant/aware; improve flexibility; to decrease inflammation

39 to 30

To decrease my sense of time during exercise; as a reward for exercising; to be more conscious of my breath during exercise; helps sleep; recovery from pain; as ritualistic medicine; increase energy; to manage pain in order to tolerate exercise; enhance physical performance; to manage social anxiety

29 to 20

Improve patience from frustration; to improve creativity during exercise; my friends do it/we do it together; delays onset of muscle soreness; to regulate my breathing

19 to 10

Distraction from exercise; to decrease self-consciousness; to regulate my heart rate

9 to 1

To be less observant/aware; decreases body awareness; as a neuroprotectant;

Other: helps me achieve that runners high sooner; relieve stomach pain; cause my life is dope and I do dope shit; helps control my blood sugar; I am diabetic; relaxes me and puts me in a calm creative headspace

  1. aMultiple distinct choices were possible