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Table 3 Themes and nodes in unlicensed cannabis retailers

From: Analyzing sentiments and themes on cannabis in Canada using 2018 to 2020 Twitter data



Number and percentage of tweets


Easy access to store; limited access; online access; barriers to online access; home delivery; hours of operation; space availability; new products accessibility

n = 15 (4%)


Decriminalization; developing marijuana-specific laws; law enforcement; legalization; limited licensed retailers; age restriction; use in the public place; overdose

n = 38 (10%)


Addiction; advertisement of the store and service; information on cannabis plant; harvesting; use (medical and non-medical); and different strains; economic impact of the industry; comparison between alcoholism and cannabis use; health effects; historical use of cannabis; inform the consumers about a lack of information; creating online community; providing access to documents related to cannabis use; promoting weed use; research findings; use of educators; use of vaping device

n = 140 (37%)

Uses of cannabis

Edibles; frequent use; medical use; non-medical use; recreational use

n = 95 (25%)

Cannabis products

Packing—glorious packaging (n = 2)

Quality—potency; percentage of THC and CBD; aroma; taste; visual appeal (n = 33)

Source—illegal; homegrown (n = 18)

Type of product—edibles; cannabis concentrate; hybrid strain (n = 21)

n = 74 (205%)

Social (gender and stigma)

About addiction; cannabis use; criminalization; health effects; misconception; promoting the end of stigma; publicly used by baseball players

n = 11 (3%)

COVID-19 impacts

Reduced access to stores; increased sale

n = 3 (1%)


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