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Table 3 Attitudes concerning use of cannabidiol (CBD; n = 180). Please note that values represent frequencies (percentages)

From: Staff awareness of the use of cannabidiol (CBD): a trust-wide survey study in the UK


Strongly agree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly disagree

Overall % agree

I am aware of several potential properties for the clinical use of CBD

21 (11.7)

80 (44.4)

39 (21.7)

28 (15.6)

12 (6.7)

101 (56.1)

CBD reduces the likelihood of psychosis

5 (2.8)

33 (18.3)

62 (34.4)

57 (31.7)

23 (12.8)

38 (21.1)

CBD has dangerous side effects

14 (7.8)

38 (21.1)

81 (45.0)

39 (21.7)

8 (4.4)

52 (28.9)

I have concerns about patients self-medicating with CBD

34 (18.9)

67 (37.2)

60 (33.3)

17 (9.4)

2 (1.1)

101 (56.1)

CBD is easily available to buy in high street shops

19 (10.6)

40 (22.2)

48 (26.7)

53 (29.4)

20 (11.1)

59 (32.8)

People can become dependent on CBD if used regularly

14 (7.8)

55 (30.6)

66 (36.7)

40 (22.2)

5 (2.8)

69 (38.3)

CBD should be prescription only

20 (11.1)

66 (36.7)

53 (29.4)

28 (15.6)

13 (7.2)

86 (47.8)

I would prescribe CBD if it was in the British National Formulary

9 (15.5)

35 (60.3)

10 (17.2)

2 (3.4)

2 (3.4)

44 (75.9)

  1. Note: for questionnaire item ‘I would prescribe CBD if it was in the British National Formulary’, only staff who reported prescribing medication were considered; n = 58