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Table 2 THC pharmacokinetic parameters after inhalation

From: Smokeless consumption of medical cannabis pharmacokinetics, safety and feasibility of the CannaHALER© a phase 1a study


Group I

10 ± 0.1 mg

Group II

15 ± 0.1 mg

Group III

20 ± 0.1 mg

Group IV

25 ± 0.1 mg

Δ9-THC Cmax (ng/mL)

35.43 ± 5.97

51.47 ± 13.79

72.37 ± 15.93

88.63 ± 14.75

AUC0-∞ (ng min/mL)

441.59 ± 88.49

624 ± 123.56

698.35 ± 174.98

971.36 ± 310.4

Tmax (min)

3.666 ± 0.471

3.333 ± 0.471

2.666 ± 0.942

3 ± 0.816

  1. Each THC dosage group concise of four healthy volunteers. Both Δ9-THC Cmax and AUC0-∞ measured in plasma of the volunteers and calculated from the same data, are showing a linear increase in mean maximum plasma concentration of THC (Cmax) and area under the curve (AUC) both with no change in the time needed to reach such concentration
  2. THC Cmax Tetrahydrocannabinol maximum concentration, AUC Area under the curve, Tmax time to reach maximum concentration